Photo by Nagy Arnold on Unsplash

Short Skirts

Mary Arda
3 min readApr 7, 2019


How I long for the days when my thighs were tight and sexy. For many years rare was the day my gams weren’t exposed.

My first corporate job was at YPO, a non-profit organization that serves millionaire CEO’s.

The universe’s lucky stars were shining on me. Here I am, a little Cuban from Miami with too much make-up and a closet full of clothing that was far from business attire.

When I realized I wasn’t going to be the next Rita Moreno, I gave up my musical theatre dreams that led me to NYC. I could see it from Miami — a big ass Broadway marquis with my name in glittering in lights.

Efforts to get on Broadway led to endless tuna fish sandwiches and boxed mac and cheese. I had been having a hard time making ends meet in the world of theatre so temping became an option. Nothing steady, just temporary until my break came along.

Payton People was the name of the agency I signed up with thanks to another aspiring hungry actor’s suggestion. I don’t know why they would hire me given my severely lacking administrative skills, or my look. Putting it mildly, I was a bit on the avant-garde side.

A week or two after signing up, they started getting me corporate assignments. After a couple of months answering phones for Xerox, banks and a lighting company, my career rep called.



Mary Arda

Lover of the written word, cooking, food anthropology, music, roots, and family. Storytelling NYC-Cuban. Side gig — publicist and marketer.